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These are the legislated fees that are charged to wind-up your deceased estate.

Executor fees In terms of current legislation the executor’s fee is 3.5% of the gross value of the estate assets plus 15 % VAT. That is 4.02% in total of the gross value of the estate assets as on date of death. In terms of current legislation the executor’s fee is 6% on income earned by the estate after date of death plus 15% VAT. That is 6.9% in total on income earned by the estate after date of death. 
Conveyancing attorney fees This fee is charged by a Conveyancing attorney to transfer the property into the beneficiary's name.
Property clearance fees To transfer a property, the municipality issues a certificate and you may need up-to 6 months of rates and taxes to be paid in advance.
Testamentary trustee fees This fee creates and manages the trust every year. Admin of trust = 1.5% on average
Masters fees The fee that is charged by the Master of the high court for deceased estate purposes.
Administration fees 2 adverts are placed in the local newspaper and the government gazette.
Creditors against the estate This could be new bond costs, bad debt, card accounts, overdrafts, and interests etc
Income TAX or capital gains An assessment would be done to determine what this cost might be, if any.
Rates and tax arrears The clearance certificate will only be issued if the rates and taxes are paid in advance. The period that has to be paid in advance varies from area to area but is normally about six months. This amount may not be readily available and needs to be planned for in advance.
Other costs These would be funeral fees, medical bills, paying utilities etc.


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Estate planning R1200 once-off
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Bad debt planning R400 once-off
Emergency planning R400 once-off
Heritage Planning R1800 once-off
LegalTech vault services N/A
myICE emergency services N/A
Deceased estate agreement/policy N/A
Family heritage archive N/A
Attorney advice R2600 per hour
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If your deceased estate is a term life policy, it will expire at a certain defined time. You could outlive the policy and then lose the protection you needed. Re-entry at that time will be extremely expensive and could attract huge loadings, making it far too expensive.
If you name a beneficiary on the policy and not the estate, they will get the money and could simply spend it on whatever they like. This will leave your estate beneficiaries having to find the cash needed to pay the estate or their assets will be forcibly sold to pay costs.
If the estate is the beneficiary in the life policy, the monies could be used to pay creditors and other costs, which could leave the estate with a shortfall that must be paid for by the family or assets will be sold to cover the costs.
If you have a policy that the estate is the beneficiary of and its also used to provide for your family, the beneficiaries will have to wait for the estate to be would up before they receive the balance. This could take up to a year or longer, and could leave them in financial difficulty.

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Business Agency Community Group is a specialised LegalTech cloud hosting service since 2003 and is wholly owned by: My Protector Group (Pty) Ltd (2023/725775/07). Online payments are administrated by Myprotector Group (Pty) Ltd. Please note that we are NOT financial advisors, so any information or advice contained on this website is general in nature and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Before acting on any information on this website, you should consider the appropriateness of it.

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