Benefits & Services Suite

[ Estates valued from R250 000 to R10mio ]



For: Married couples + Children

If you have some assets and still no cash to pay for deceased estate costs, then this service is for you. You, your spouse and your dependant children will receive all the benefits & services through a joint service agreement with the same terms and conditions irrespective of which person died first or last.
Get double the benefits - instantly!

Joint Estate Administration Plan


The deceased estate services agreement will run until your deceased estate has been completely wound-up and finalised by the relevant High Court. However, the rest of the family will continue to enjoy all the benefits of their LegalTech vault.

Description Benefactor MyProtector Benefits
Principal Member ** Principal member Full Services
Legal Spouse ** Spouse Full Services
Children Dependants (up-to maximum age of 21 Yrs old) + Legal Dependants Full Services
(with some limits)
Your Benefits & Services Include:
Financial & Legal Services  
Our attorneys will assist you with your basic legal documentation and will advise you about what issues you need to look out for when planning for your legal wishes.

When we prepare your Legal Will, our attorneys will include these services and fee commitments into the document to ensure compliance when winding-up your deceased estate.

Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Basic estate planning consultations ** Principal member & spouse + 1 hr / per annum
Basic Single Legal Will drafting ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Basic Testamentary Trust drafting ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Basic Living Will document drafting ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Existing Legal Will update ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Discounted group products & services ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Deceased Estate Indemnity Services  
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Myprotector appoints its inhouse attorneys to administer the deceased estate in order that we deliver on the agreement our members receive. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Your spouse won't pay any executor services fees to wind-up your deceased estate, subject to Myprotector being nominated the executor within your Legal Will. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Myprotector appoints its inhouse trustees to administer the testamentary trust on behalf of the nominated beneficiaries. MyProtector will charge a fee to administer the funds required by your beneficiaries. Admin of trust = 1.5% on average. ** Principal member & spouse + Limited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Our executor will open a 'late estate' bank account to initiate the estate administration process. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Should the executor need to cancel a bond on a property, we will cover the associated bond cancellation costs. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Your beneficiaries won't pay any of their conveyancing attorney fees portion on the primary residence of the estate value. Subject to Myprotector being nominated the conveyancing attorney within your Legal Will. ** Principal member & spouse only Unlimited
(Excl Children)
We will only cover the cost of the transfer duty portion if your estate is valued up to R1.5 Million if the beneficiary is not the spouse. Thereafter, your estate will cover the transfer duty costs above the R1.5 Million. Subject to Myprotector being nominated the conveyancing attorney within your Legal Will. ** Principal member & spouse only Limited to first R1.5 million evaluation (Excl Children)
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Myprotector will pay the fee that is charged by the Master of the high court for deceased estate purposes. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Myprotector will pay for the 2 adverts that are placed in the local newspaper and the government gazette. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Myprotector provides family administration services alongside estate administration services that fall outside the responsibility of an executor. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
All your planning is managed via a communication technology that keeps you and your work on the right track. A host of automated communication triggers are embedded within the Myprotector platform to ensure an effective, efficient and seamless flow of pertinent notifications/updates to all relevant parties, your financial advisor, your executor and family. ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Family Risk Services  
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Myprotector will subsidise the funeral expenses for any of the bills relating to the funeral as part of our services. We don't pay-out a cash lump sum because we want to make sure the actual costs for the funeral are paid for and the money is not squandered or misused. (see co-payment threshold values below) ** Principal member & spouse only Up to 100% of available annual threshold
(Excl Children)
Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Deceased estate family management system ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Conveyancer transfer duty fees (non-deceased estate beneficiary) ** Principal member & spouse only Limited to first R1.5 million evaluation
(Excl Children)
Conveyancer attorney fees ** Principal member & spouse only Unlimited
(Excl Children)
Master's fees ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Advertising costs ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Protection for funeral costs ** Principal member & spouse only Up to 100% of available annual threshold
(Excl Children)
Deceased estate executor fees ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited

LegalTech Digital Vault  
You get a private and secure LegalTech vault to store all your planning and estate data. This gets linked to your executor and our administration team.

Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Legal & estate planning guides ** Principal member & spouse + 3 programs
24/7 emergency callcentre links ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Links to your advisor/educator ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Family and executor links ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Latest vault technology and data security ** Principal member & spouse + Included
System back-ups off site with Microsoft Azure ** Principal member & spouse + Included

Myprotector Administration Services
When tragedy strikes, your family will have to manage all your affairs alongside your executor and other professionals. Myprotector will provide them with unique services and support, so they don't have to worry about what to do and how to manage everything.

Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
24/7 family support centre service ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Case manager gets assigned to your family when you pass away ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Notification to your listed personal contacts about your passing away ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
dossier of completed tasks gets handed to your family ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Your financial advisor gets access to ALL your policy information ** Principal member & spouse + Unlimited
Your estate executor gets access to ALL your LegalTech information ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Notification to your listed employer about your passing away ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Link your Heritage work to your family archive ** Principal member & spouse + Included
The Heritage Archive was established as a private and exclusive portal, dedicated to families who have a LegalTech vault with the Myprotector Group (Pty) Ltd, to preserve their family's history and heritage.

Description Benefactors MyProtector Benefits
Heritage planning strategy ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Heritage education and support ** Principal member & spouse + Included
Family Heritage Archive ** Principal member & spouse + QUOTED
Additional Family Trust assessment Subject to independent assessment QUOTED
Heritage preservation cover Subject to independent assessment QUOTED


+ Legal Dependants (children) -

MyProtector estate administration is extended to your legal dependants (Children). The maximum age limit is 21 yrs old. Protection is provided as long as your membership is active and not on hold or on freeze.
** Principal member - The person who first signs-up to Myprotector and/or distributes the free LegalTech's to other family members. Free LegalTech vaults apply to family members (Max 5 users per subscription).
INCLUDED - The services marked with 'INCLUDED' are covered in your monthly subscriptions and are provided by Myprotector's inhouse attorneys and consultants.
Payer - The person or organisation who makes the monthly contributions to Myprotector on behalf of a family. If the payer skips the monthly contributions, then the result will cause some of the benefits to be closed for all family members.
Refusal conditions -

Myprotector reserves the right to refuse services when:

The condition(s) outlined below are the most current applicable reasons. If the most current conditions differ from the original reasons, it is crucial to note that new conditions are only applicable to the increased or added benefit part of the benefit in question. This would be inapplicable where a benefit has been upgraded or improved.

Myprotector Group (Pty) Ltd is entitled to decline services when:

  • Your death was deliberately self-inflicted.

  • If you falsify your details on your application and when preparing your estate planning with us.

  • If you are involved in things like fraud, criminal activity or misrepresentation.